A minimally invasive method holds promise for the treatment of neurological disorders and injury.

A minimally invasive method holds promise for the treatment of neurological disorders and injury.
Machine vision and artificial intelligence can fine tune medical 3D printers to enable custom made tissue implants to suit the individual patient.
Changing the shape of soft matter using circuits made from DNA.
Self-propelling microparticles enhance the dissolution of drugs in the stomach, achieving better bioavailability without the side effects of high dosing.
Bacteria-killing micromotors, microscopic patchworks, and DNA fibers decorated with self-made “smileys” — science has never looked better.
Operating at the intersection of technology and biology, Neri Oxman is calling for a fundamental shift in the way we design and construct the built environment.
Researchers demonstrate the controlled growth of artificial synapses, paving the way for computers that can grow, evolve, and adapt like the human brain.
Seven emerging technologies that could help to mitigate the most devastating effects of climate change.
This pollen sponge can absorb oil contaminants, such as gasoline and motor oil, at a rate comparable to commercial oil absorbents
Pre-folded bioadhesive patches could be the future for sealing wounds after keyhole surgery.