Researchers calculate the automation risk of almost 1000 existing occupations and provide alternatives based on skill set.

Researchers calculate the automation risk of almost 1000 existing occupations and provide alternatives based on skill set.
Hybrid microrobots harvest chemical energy from their environment for self-propulsion while releasing reactive species to kill bacteria.
A robotic swimmer that mimics the movement of octopuses could help researchers better monitor aquatic environments remotely and in real time.
Using stimuli-responsive hydrogels with regularly arranged colloidal particles, researchers create color-changing microrobots that can freely explore and gather information.
A new material gives way to simple microrobots that take advantage of mineralization processes in the body to help in bone repair.
Synthesized microrobots capable of converting their mechanical motion into a means of self-propulsion.
Living machines made from drug-carrying bacteria target tumors to improve the effectiveness and safety of chemotherapies.
An insect-inspired technology helps break a 25-year-old paradigm in robotics.
DNA robots built to transverse fluidic cell membranes and control cell function for future regenerative and cell-based therapies.
Robots that drive on screws can simultaneously dig up space regolith while anchoring the craft in low-gravity environments.