Specially designed microrobots could help clean plastic waste from water systems.

Specially designed microrobots could help clean plastic waste from water systems.
Although the idea of soft robots in space exploration is still far from becoming a reality, there are obvious advantages that are driving researchers to pursue the possibility.
Using advanced sensors and a thermally responsive skin, a new robotic chameleon demonstrates mastery over color.
An electronic skin helps facilitate natural interactions between robots and humans.
Researchers find the sweet spot between strength and biocompatibility in these tiny cell-carrying microrobots.
Robotic joints inspired by spiders help researchers create a new class of jumping, grasping, lightweight robots.
Researchers create swimming, moving, gripping miniature robots.
Researchers teach robots to make appropriate reactive human facial expressions, an ability that could build trust between humans and their robotic co-workers and care-givers.
A team of scientists have created a cost-effective way to destroy bacterial biofilms, paving the way for advancements in everything from healthcare to utilities.
A new material helps robots analyze and navigate their environments by scanning codes invisible to the human eye.