Asteroids are always pelting Earth, but what happens if the big one comes along? The European Space Agency’s new asteroid telescope is coming to the rescue.

Asteroids are always pelting Earth, but what happens if the big one comes along? The European Space Agency’s new asteroid telescope is coming to the rescue.
New software allows researchers to create complex structures from DNA, such as robot arms with claws and nanometer-sized airplanes.
The “metal-eating” robot can follow a metal path without using a computer or needing a battery.
Electronics-free DraBot uses air pressure, microarchitectures, and self-healing hydrogels to watch for changes in pH, temperature, and the presence of contaminants.
Researchers recreate the somatic nervous system in robots, allowing them to convert feeling into movement under different stimuli.
A liquid-based, solar-powered soft robot has this writer dreaming of its potential applications in space explorations and beyond.
Building inclusive education systems will be key to ensuring no one is left behind and that advances in AI and robotics benefit everyone in society.
A gelatin-based hydrogel allows researchers to create a flexible, remote controlled robot capable of squeezing through tight spaces.
By mixing sugar and magnetic particles, researchers create biodegradable “CANDYBOTS” with potential applications in drug delivery and ingestible devices.
Researchers in Australia take inspiration from nature to create a soft-robotic gripper that moves away from the conventional hand-like design.