Enjoy this gallery of science images featuring a glowing hydrogel fish, microscale flowers, nanoscale fireworks, and more.
Swarm of autonomous tiny drones to localize gas leaks
Using modified “CrazyFlie” drones, researchers develop a strategy for finding gas leaks more efficiently and without risk to human lives.
Model with unprecedented detail to study the blood–brain barrier
“Brain-on-a-chip” shows minute-by-minute how the blood–brain barrier reacts to high levels of inflammation.
What is the Internet of Things?
The idea of connecting all physical things together: let’s delve into how the Internet of Things is changing the world.
A smart microneedle patch to monitor and manage diabetes
Minimally invasive smart patches can continuously monitor glucose blood levels and administer insulin as needed.
The biodegradable battery
Researchers build a biodegradable mini-capacitor that consists of carbon, cellulose, glycerin, and table salt — and it works reliably.
A robot that smiles back
Researchers teach robots to make appropriate reactive human facial expressions, an ability that could build trust between humans and their robotic co-workers and care-givers.
Scientists develop eco-friendly pollen sponge to tackle water contaminants
This pollen sponge can absorb oil contaminants, such as gasoline and motor oil, at a rate comparable to commercial oil absorbents
Even without a brain, metal-eating robots can still search for food
The “metal-eating” robot can follow a metal path without using a computer or needing a battery.
DraBot: A soft robotic dragonfly that senses and monitors its environment
Electronics-free DraBot uses air pressure, microarchitectures, and self-healing hydrogels to watch for changes in pH, temperature, and the presence of contaminants.