The “metal-eating” robot can follow a metal path without using a computer or needing a battery.

The “metal-eating” robot can follow a metal path without using a computer or needing a battery.
Electronics-free DraBot uses air pressure, microarchitectures, and self-healing hydrogels to watch for changes in pH, temperature, and the presence of contaminants.
Researchers recreate the somatic nervous system in robots, allowing them to convert feeling into movement under different stimuli.
“Cool gadgets” takes on new meaning as scientists develop a radiative cooler that keeps wearable device temperature down, even under direct sunlight.
A liquid-based, solar-powered soft robot has this writer dreaming of its potential applications in space explorations and beyond.
A new fabrication method allows researchers to create ultra-thin OLED materials that can be applied to the skin using temporary tattoo paper.
Graphene-based biosensors incorporated in arrays of microneedles are emerging as an alternative to hypodermic needles and could be the next generation of blood sampling devices.
Thanks to ultra-thin sensors and artificial muscles, future flexible microelectronics will be able to take on complex shapes to better interface with delicate biological tissues without causing damage.
Study shows improvements to chemical sensing chip that aims to quickly and accurately identify drugs and other trace chemicals.
Scientists uncover how a sensor protein activates our immune system against the common cold. The findings may lead to more effective treatments of flu-like symptoms.