New designs were fabricated via multimaterial 3D printing and potential applications of sequential particle release mechanisms were systematically explored.

New designs were fabricated via multimaterial 3D printing and potential applications of sequential particle release mechanisms were systematically explored.
Xavier Crispin and co-workers from Linköping University, Sweden, report a thermoelectric polymer aerogel with dual-sensing capability. This single-material device can deliver independent pressure and temperature assessments.
Latest Advanced Healthcare Materials covers.
A simple and convenient method to fabricate thermoresponsive gel particles with tunable size across multiple size scales opens new directions in biomaterials, optics, and pharmaceutics.
Advanced Healthcare Materials papers you have downloaded and read the most in the past two months.
Flexible graphene nano-inks with an excellent bioactivity pave the way for next generation biomedical applications.
A group of researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) generate living materials and devices by 3D printing genetically programmed bacterial cells. The living bioink can be used to print novel materials including logic gates and a living tattoo for chemical detection on human skin.
A special section of Advanced Engineering Materials features a selection of the papers presented during the 9th International Conference on Porous Metals and Metallic Foams (MetFoam 2015), which was held in Barcelona.
Researchers from Hong Kong Polytechnic University and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University Shenzhen Research Institute achieve remote and temporal tuning of luminescence intensity and wavelength in green- and blue-emissive piezophosphors by modulating the magnetic field. This novel method is promising for applications in magnetic optical sensing, piezophotonics, energy harvesting, nondestructive environmental surveillance, novel light sources, and displays.
Ting Zhang and co-workers from the Suzhou Institute of Nano-Tech and Nano-Bionics at the Chinese Academy of Sciences develop a novel superhydrophobic and piezoresistive coating for wearable sensing devices. The coating is durable in harsh conditions and can be used to detect real-time human movement when fabricated as a wearable strain sensor.