Latest Advanced Healthcare Materials covers.

Latest Advanced Healthcare Materials covers.
Capacitive pressure sensors created from silica nanoparticles dispersed in a dielectric polymer matrix force a rethink of device design.
A plasma-treated polyethylene is used as as an affordable and easy mediator to produce enzymatic glucose sensors that could be used for diabetic patients.
This week’s Advanced Healthcare Materials covers.
A wearable liquid-embedded microfluidic tactile sensor capable of haptic perception has been prepared.
Functional porous carbon fabrics were presented with hierarchically porous structures of meso-pores in nanoscale nesting on fiber networks with cylindrical pores in micrometer scale.
2D nanostructured materials as promising gas-sensing materials for advanced sensors.
This month’s top Advanced Healthcare Materials papers.
These stretchable optic fibre-based sensors could be stitched right into your clothes to monitor muscle strain during exercise.
Researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems develop a durable, flexible adhesive film for use in wearable healthcare devices.