Silicone elastomers are favourable materials for dielectric elastomer transducers. Read more about the current state-of-the-art.

Silicone elastomers are favourable materials for dielectric elastomer transducers. Read more about the current state-of-the-art.
The month’s top articles from the field of nanooptics, optoelectronics, optical devices, detectors & sensors, micro/nano resonators and more.
Hu’s group at SCUT investigate alkyne-based multicomponent polymerization to afford polymers from three or more kinds of monomers in a one-pot procedure.
Molybdenum disulphide (MoS2) has recently emerged as one of the most promising two-dimensional semiconductors. Impressive field-effect transistors, integrated circuits, phototransistors and sensors based on single and multilayers exfoliated from natural MoS2 have been...
Researchers investigate substrates in which micron-size sodium chloride crystals are used as a water soluble, recyclable substrate for CVD growth of few-layer graphene.
Australian researchers report on a 4D-printed thermally active hydrogel valve, which can control the flow of water.
Stimuli-sensitive drug carriers can aid in the treatment of diabetes as glucose biosensors and glucose-triggered insulin delivery systems.
The month’s top articles from the field of nanooptics, optoelectronics, optical devices, detectors & sensors, micro/nano resonators and more.
Boing created an open cellular polymer structure to build lighter aircrafts and save fuel.
Scientists based in the Netherlands and Spain have recently developed a two-step printed scaffold-removal method to fabricate intricate microfluidic devices.