Carbon Management Canada, a national research network specializing in the development of carbon management technology, announces eight new projects.

Piezo Drives for Objectives – Precise, Fast and Economical
In microscopy, a fast and simultaneously precise motion of the Z axis is required for different tasks

The bobtail squid: a natural diffraction grating
American scientists have harnessed the Hawaiian bobtail squid’s ability to modulate color.

New avenue to integrated fiber technology
Researchers have given an overview of the principal inscription techniques and physical properties of fs pulse written in-fiber gratings for fiber optics.

Nature’s Nanomaterials – To Be or Not to Be Bioinspired?
How much does materials science stand to gain from Nature? Professor Ozin gives his take on the progress of biomimetics.

Metabolite-responsive hydrogels for medical diagnostics
A hydrogel that can tell good from bad: this material can distinguish between normal and pathological levels of urate, a salt related to gout arthritis.

Detection of Explosives: An All-in-Fiber Chemical Sensor for Peroxide Vapors
Scientists report a new method for remote tracing of vapors escaping from the liquid-peroxide explosives used in terror bombing incidents.

Click coupled graphene: fabricating nanocomposites
Click coupled graphene sheets allow a high grafting ratio and extended applications.

Highly Unidirectional Emission from Ultrahigh-Q Microcavities
A new type of on-chip microcavities has been realized, which features both highly unidirectional emission and ultra-high-Q factors in the near infrared.

Large-Area Low-Cost Gold Nanostructures through Colloidal Nanolithography
Double split-ring resonators with optimized Fano resonances for refractive index sensing could be realised by hole-mask colloidal nanolithography.