Relating the swelling of styrene-butadiene rubber to the concentration of toluene in gasoline represents a new method to detect fuel adulteration.
Most accessed papers in physica status solidi for May 2012
The most downloaded papers from the pss family of journal in May – diamond defects, the characterization of graphene, and more!

A Breakthrough in Bio-imaging
Intracellular plasmonic imaging by exciting multi-mode resonances in split-ring resonators is reported in Advanced Optical Materials.

June Highlights from Physica Status Solidi
Heterojunctions, nanowires, and radiation sensors – these and more in June’s physics highlights.

Artificial fingertips: Silicon for robot prosthetics
Elastomer-based skin has been developed for biomimetic artificial fingertip sensors.

Copying Butterflies to Create 3D Magnetophotonic Crystals
Researchers have developed a method to fabricate 3D network magneto photonic crystal with controllable properties from a butterfly wing
Energy Autonomous Micro and Nano Systems
This resource provides a detailed overview of the fundamentals and latest developments in the field of Energy autonomous Microsystems. An in-depth study of the applications, in the fields of: * health and usage monitoring * medical implants * home automation...
Liquid Crystals Beyond Displays
The responsive nature and diversity of liquid crystals provide tremendous opportunities as well as challenges for insights in fundamental science, and opens the door to various applications. Most modern electronic displays are liquid crystal-based, but R&D...
Latest physica status solidi article highlights (May 2012)
Latest physica status solidi article highlights (May 2012)

Carbon Meta-Nanotubes – Synthesis, Properties and Applications
Professor Dirk Guldi reviews Carbon Meta-Nanotubes – Synthesis, Properties, and Applications.