Professor Geoffrey Ozin shares his views on the current state of nanoscience, in particular the future of the promising nanomaterials: Where is the good nano stuff going?
Atomic Switches with Larger Gaps and Light-Dependence
Light is needed to initiate a new type of atomic switch that has gaps larger than the previously required 1 nm. A series of such wavelength-dependent devices could one day be used for image recognition.
Magnetic Micromachines
Chinese researchers have used lasers to made tiny springs and turbines out of a polymerized ferrofluid, which could be used in micro- or nanomachines.
Brushes Grown on Brushes
How to make one layer of polymer brushes on top of another layer by using a simple chemical initiator method…
A Nanotrampoline Study
A one-step process is used to prepare a variety of nanoparticle membranes that exhibit trampoline-like properties.
Nanoparticle temperature memory sensor
Ever wondered if your food has been kept cold enough before you buy it? Here’s a way to find out…using nanoparticles to sense and record temperature changes.

MaterialsViews Interviews: Karen Gleason
MaterialsViews catches up with Karen Gleason, Associate Dean of Engineering at MIT, to talk CVD, scientific jigsaws, and The Good Doctor.
Shells, Fibers, and Superstructures
A new heteroepitaxial method of producing Ti02 nanomaterials with size, shape, and array control is discovered.