Study uncovers stability hurdles in a promising lead-free solar cell material, signaling potential for a cleaner energy future.

Study uncovers stability hurdles in a promising lead-free solar cell material, signaling potential for a cleaner energy future.
A new design approach and specialized organic material helps improve the efficiency of lateral solar cells, turning energy generation on its side.
A new manufacturing technique to grow perovskite crystals for high-performance solar cells uses “face masks” to minimize imperfections.
A new ink deposition method simplifies a complicated process for creating efficient perovskite solar cells.
Researchers are investigating ways to increase the efficiency and stability of solar cells, which could improve their commercial use as an alternative energy source.
Microfluidic processing could help to make a competitive printed photovoltaics industry a reality.
A molecule-thick material is opening doors for the advancement of flexible and recyclable organic solar cells.
Luminescent solar concentrators based on a conjugated polymer redirect light from inside and out.
A new way of making large sheets of graphene could lead to ultra-lightweight, flexible solar cells, and to new classes of light-emitting devices and other thin-film electronics
A group of researchers from Freiburg present a new tandem solar cell to break through current theoretical limits..