The production of kerosene directly from carbon dioxide and water promises to be a game-changer in the energy field.

The production of kerosene directly from carbon dioxide and water promises to be a game-changer in the energy field.
New photoanodes promise high efficiencies in producing hydrogen in a climate-neutral way.
A new formulation for manufacturing organic solar panels exhibits an impressive, certified power conversion efficiency to help bring this technology closer to commercialization.
A new manufacturing technique creates ultrathin solar cells that are so light and flexible that they can rest on the surface of a soap bubble.
Semi-transparent solar cells allow plants and solar energy to be efficiently generated on the same crop land.
University of Groningen scientists have now “watched” how thin films of tin-based perovskite crystals grow to create more efficient and stable tin-based perovskite solar panels.
Photovoltaic-membrane distillation turns waste heat from solar panels into a power source to drive an efficient water distillation process.
Organic solar cells could be an important part of future power generation, but only if their efficiency increases.
Butterfly inspired photovoltaic car roof extends the mileage by approx. 10% or an equivalent reduction in fuel consumption.
Excellence in Energy invited-only review series just turned 2. These papers come from the top researchers in energy-related fields, and are free to read!