Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics has compiled the most accessed and cited articles published between 2016–2017.

Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics has compiled the most accessed and cited articles published between 2016–2017.
A peek into the Advanced journal archives reveals some of the interesting and creative work published over the years that is still being cited today.
Searching for the polymer that will allow organic photovoltaic devices to reach optimal performance.
The fabrication of indium-based microcolumns and nanowires with controlled phase and morphology.
Macromolecular Rapid Communications highlights the work of young outstanding scientists in polymer science.
A robust and efficient protocol involving microfabrication that enables the integration of an emerging class of materials into modern electronic devices.
Recent developments and perspectives on bimetallic nanomaterials highlighted in Particle & Particle Systems Characterization.
There are new top review papers in Advanced Materials Interfaces “Hall of Fame”. All included papers are free to read for a limited time!
new concept of attaching a second deposition step at the end of a BBr3 diffusion is introduced.
Perovskite structures suffer from moisture and thermal stability issues which prevent their commercial use. This promising solution using organic cations leads to a record high PCE for 2D perovskite devices.