Jingbi You explains how precisely adjusting the stoichiometry of planar architectures can affect the performance of perovskite devices, toward a PCE of over 21%.

Jingbi You explains how precisely adjusting the stoichiometry of planar architectures can affect the performance of perovskite devices, toward a PCE of over 21%.
A Macromolecular Rapid Communications special issue, Polymer Materials and Engineering Research at Sichuan University, highlights recent research developments in novel polymer processing technologies; polymer nanocomposites; multicomponent polymer systems and solution thermodynamics; macromolecular synthetic methodology; and functional polymers for energy, sustainability, the environment, and biomedical applications.
A new technique renders the low-cost process of sputtering a highly competitive fabrication method for photovoltaics.
The intermittent nature of renewable wind and solar energy arising from fluctuations in weather conditions requires the development of efficient and cost-effective large-scale energy-storage systems to create a steady supply of electrical energy for most applications.
Supramolecules based on the flat-on P3HT chains and grafted rGO nanosheets in the P3HT:PCBM active layers have shown improved performance as photovoltaic devices.
Of interest to the field of CO2 utilization is the adaptation of the above described energy storage system into one capable of fixing CO2 into a useful product, in this particular case carbon.
At the 2017 Fall ACS meeting in Washington DC, Luis M. Campos receives the Journal of Polymer Science Innovation Award and a symposium in his honor.
An outline of the recent progress in the syntheses of IMH perovskites is provided.
A new Special Issue entitled “Advances in Chemical Vapor Deposition” is published in Advanced Materials Interfaces in recognition of Professor Michael L. Hitchman
The symposium “The Great Transition” brought together leading scientists to address the criticality of materials as key to sustainable technologies.