The remarkable electronic properties of graphene open up new carrier relaxation channels that can result in a significant multiplication of optically excited carriers.

The remarkable electronic properties of graphene open up new carrier relaxation channels that can result in a significant multiplication of optically excited carriers.
A new special issue in Advanced Materials Interfaces this month highlights advances in Atomic Layer Deposition for Energy and Environmental Applications.
Since its start as an independent journal in 2013 Advanced Optical Materials has constantly expanded its impact. One measure that proves this in numbers is of course the impact factor which has recently been updated by Thomson Reuters to 5.36. Apart from that articles...
High refractive index (HRI) materials play an important role in optic-electronic devices. They can be widely applied as encapsulating materials to increase external quantum efficiency in OLED devices and to enhance conversion efficiency in solar cell devices....
An efficient strategy for general synthesis of 3D N-doped carbon nanosheet frameworks functionalized with metal nanoparticles or various hollow nanostructures for efficient lithium storage
Scientists at TU Munich have discovered an inorganic substance whose elements are arranged in the form of a double helix.
The 32nd edition of the International Conference on Digital Printing Technologies (NIP) was held in Manchester, UK, this month.
Take a look at the great cover images from the August issues and top five most downloaded articles this month.
Researchers produced chemically doped graphene fibers with excellent electrical conductivity via a chemical doping strategy.
Take a look at the great cover images from the July issues and top five most accessed articles this month.