A roundup of the latest materials science research from the past week.

Materials Science in the Basque Country
Luis Liz Marzán of CIC biomaGUNE presents the latest on materials science in the Basque Country in Particle & Particle Systems Characterization.
Most accessed papers in physica status solidi for November 2013
We present the most downloaded papers from the pss journal family from November.

Shrinking quantum dots improves charge transfer
Single-particle study identifies possible path to improved conversion of sunlight to electricity in photovoltaic devices.
Significant development in graphene synthesis
Researchers from MPI Mainz have succeeded in producing remarkably long, structurally well-defined and liquid-phase-processable graphene nanoribbons.

Book review: Carbon nanotubes and graphene for photonic applications
Mildred Dresselhaus reviews Carbon nanotubes and graphene for photonic applications, released this year by Woodhead Publishing.
A little on a lot versus a lot on a little – the printing revolution
Roll-to-roll printing gives organic electronics a competitive edge.
Improving large area CVD
Standing wave trick may remedy non-uniform discharge problem in large-area VHF PECVD.
Boosting the interaction of light and metal nanoparticles
Subwavelength metal nanoparticles with separation on the order of one wavelength can form a plasmonic mode that enhances absorption and scattering of light.

Nanometer-scale tuning of photonic crystals
New approach enables precision-tuning of the optical properties of photonic crystals on the nanometer scale.