Fabrication method could pave the way for cheaper, greener, “paint-on” plastic electronics.

Nanomaterial light emission studies could improve optical imaging
Understanding the source and orientation of light in light-emitting thin films could lead to better devices that use layered nanomaterials.

Up-and-coming young investigators in polymer physics
Free access to articles from tomorrow’s leaders in the latest special issue of the Journal of Polymer Science: Polymer Physics.
Nanowires and quantum dots combine for more efficient photovoltaics
A group from MIT have demonstrated a method to produce extremely efficient zinc oxide/quantum dot based photovoltaics.

Researchers Create Semiconductor ‘Nano-Shish-Kebabs’ With Potential for 3-D Technologies
Researchers at NCSU have developed a new type of structure consisting of multiple 2D nanosheets impaled upon a one-dimensional nanowire.

Advanced Optical Materials publishes Issue 2
The second issue of Advanced Optical Materials is now online, including twelve research articles covering all aspects of light-matter interactions.
Most accessed papers in physica status solidi for January 2013
The most downloaded papers from the pss family of journals in January.

Combinatorial Screening and Inkjet Printing: A Library of Novel Conjugated Low-Bandgap Polymers
Researchers from Jena have systematically studied the thin-film properties of a novel class of conjugated polymers.

Cooling semiconductors using only light
Nanyang researchers take group II-VI semiconductor cadmium sulfide from 20 to -20 degrees C in major breakthrough.

Startups in materials: an interview with Antonio Facchetti
An interview with Antonio Facchetti, CTO at Polyera, a startup in organic electronics, and adjunct professor at Northwestern University.