We present the most downloaded papers from the pss family of journals in December.

Advanced Optical Materials publishes first issue
The first independent issue of Advanced Optical Materials is now online, including a review on magnetoplasmonics as well as ten excellent, original research articles.

Catalytic subsurface etching: digging nanotunnels into graphite
Tiny metal balls used to etch graphite tunnels with diameters of only one-thousandth that of a human hair.

Graphene technique allows high-quality p-n junctions
Peking University researchers establish a scalable technique for the synthesis of high quality graphene p-n junctions.

Nanoscale materials derived from snails' teeth
Assistant professor David Kisailus studies the chiton, a marine snail found off the coast of California, to develop nanoscale materials for energy applications.

Call for Papers "Focus Issue Semiconductor Nanowires" in physica status solidi
Physica status solidi RRL have issued a call for papers for their focus issue on semiconductor nanowires.
Most accessed papers in physica status solidi for November 2012
The most downloaded papers from the pss family of journals in November.

January Highlights from physica status solidi
Topological Insulators, solar-cell silicon, and crystallization kinetics– these and more in January’s physics highlights.
Changing our material future, layer by layer
Researchers are aiming to develop a new class of materials with remarkable properties using one atom-thick substances such as graphene in a new collaborative project.
Rolith Receives License for Nano-Patterning Methods to Make Transparent Conductive Electrodes
Rolith has announced that it has received an exclusive license to methods of micro and nano-patterning substrates to make transparent conductive electrodes.