Honorary doctoral degree awarded to pss founding editor for accomplishments in photovoltaics.

Honorary doctoral degree awarded to pss founding editor for accomplishments in photovoltaics.
Most downloaded papers from the physica status solidi family spanning subjects such as organic semiconductor interfaces by Norbert Koch and much more.
Professor Ozin looks back at the predictions for the field of nanochemistry he made 20 years ago; where has nanotechnology gone since?
This week’s top three are all newcomers to the Advanced Energy Materials Top 40 table.
Read now for free the editor’s choice of recent feature and review articles in Macromolecular Rapid Communications.
René Janssen, Paul Blom, Jan Hummelen and collaborators top the inaugural Advanced Energy Materials Top 40.
The most downloaded papers from the physica status solidi family in June.
The University of Kiel’s aerographite maintains its grip at the top of the Advanced Materials Top 40 this week.
Work on the synthesis of Aerographite, a new type of ultra-lightweight material, moves up five places to number 1 in this week’s Advanced Materials top 40.
This week on MaterialsViews – the top articles you might have missed.