Sun and Ruoff go straight in at number one this week, with their new method for casting graphene structures.

Sun and Ruoff go straight in at number one this week, with their new method for casting graphene structures.
New work in nanotechnology: nanotexturing of plastics improves anti-reflectivity.
Advanced Energy Materials scores phenomenal Immediacy Index of 1.950 for 2011, looks to receiving high Impact Factor next year for 2012.
It’s a new top 40 and a new top 3 this week, with a distinctly nano theme: work on making and using gold nanorods comes in at number one.
Polyimide supported gold interconnect fabrication paves the way for medical grade stretchable electronics.
The most downloaded papers from the pss family of journal in May – diamond defects, the characterization of graphene, and more!
Heterojunctions, nanowires, and radiation sensors – these and more in June’s physics highlights.
Work on pi-extended copolymers from the Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences takes top spot in the Advanced Materials Top 40.
AIXTRON wins best MOCVD equipment award 2012 for latest CRIUS II-XL technology
Effort to accelerate the deployment of CIGS manufacturing will play a critical role in building a competitive U.S. photovoltaic industry.