An automated system to assemble macrotissues from prefabricated living microtissues with a cell density similar to organs is reported.

An automated system to assemble macrotissues from prefabricated living microtissues with a cell density similar to organs is reported.
The broad applications of LOV domains in optogenetics are reviewed.
Bacteria trapped inside porous beads function as efficient living biocatalysts and can be assembled to perform preprogrammed sequences of reactions.
A new in vivo strategy for displaying foreign polypeptides on magnetosomes is presented.
Fc-Mannose Binding Lectin presents a new broad-spectrum capture molecule for circulating tumor cells.
In their article published in Advanced Biosystems, Miika Leppänen et al. employ helium ion microscopy to visualize the interaction between phages and bacteria.
A DNA molecular machine powered by double-stranded fuel strands enables visualization of microRNAs in tumor bearing mice.
Investigating EV production and purification methods by mimicking the natural release process of EVs in blood capillaries with a bioinspired mechanical microfluidic method.
For fundamental biological studies or complex investigations of drug behaviour, ParaStamp is a powerful enabling technology.
Extracellular vesicles are highly biocompatible and efficient carriers for targeted and personalized drug delivery.