TopoWellPlate, a 96-well plate based material topography library, enables mechanistic studies on cell-material interactions using standard molecular methods.

TopoWellPlate, a 96-well plate based material topography library, enables mechanistic studies on cell-material interactions using standard molecular methods.
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The first issue of Advanced Biosystems highlights retinal implants, DNA nanotweezers, and living diodes.
Macrophages may be a novel cell target for regenerative medicine efforts where vasculature is often vital to success.
Vascularized cardiac patch provides a cell home for a patient’s own stem cells for drug screening and a personalized tissue graft.
Porous liposomes can provide a suitable environment for controlled nanoreactions admitting molecules of a specific size only.
Treatment options for Alzheimer’s disease are revealed in a bio-mimetic lab-on-a-chip system, modelling intracellular kinesin-microtubule transport.
Liposomal formulations of two novel nicotinylated amphiphiles for targeting potent chemotherapeutics to mouse glioblastoma.
“STINGing” Liposomal Delivery for Cancer Immunotherapy
Researchers from the Qin lab have developed a microfluidic cell deformation delivery method that uses physical constriction to deform and shear cells for delivery.