Significant implications of and recent progress made in iCVD-based technologies in three fields: electronic devices, surface engineering, and biomedical applications are discussed.

Significant implications of and recent progress made in iCVD-based technologies in three fields: electronic devices, surface engineering, and biomedical applications are discussed.
New designs were fabricated via multimaterial 3D printing and potential applications of sequential particle release mechanisms were systematically explored.
A simplified iCVD coater is developed that can be installed at low cost in most labs, and further use it to engineer submicron bond gaps in materials with common non-ideal features like curvature, roughness, and burrs.
Two triboelectric nanogenerators with different configurations were designed and hybridized with Faraday electromagnetic induction generator to generate electricity, which can convert the kinetic energy from wind and flowing water and the electrostatic energy in water into electrical energy.
By crafting a spatially compliance-tailored bondlayer utilizing additive manufacturing, mechanical performance can be increased significantly, imparting greater strength, strain to break, and toughness, while maintaining stiffness of the homogeneous stiff bondlayer.
A special section of Advanced Engineering Materials features a selection of the papers presented during the 9th International Conference on Porous Metals and Metallic Foams (MetFoam 2015), which was held in Barcelona.
The use of Polyjet 3D printing technology to fabricate novel complex and architected lightweight cellular co-continuous composites has been proposed.
New work reviews advancements in the field of HEAs as a potential emerging material for high-temperature applications.
This new Special Issue in Advanced Engineering Materials highlights recent progress in the field of Cellular Materials.
A unique and versatile approach to creating ordered silver nanostructures is presented that allows for feature shape alteration in a simple and inexpensive manner.