Advanced Engineering Materials
Intelligent Sensing System Based on Hybrid Nanogenerator

Intelligent Sensing System Based on Hybrid Nanogenerator

Two triboelectric nanogenerators with different configurations were designed and hybridized with Faraday electromagnetic induction generator to generate electricity, which can convert the kinetic energy from wind and flowing water and the electrostatic energy in water into electrical energy.

3D Printed Compliance-Tailored Multilayers

3D Printed Compliance-Tailored Multilayers

By crafting a spatially compliance-tailored bondlayer utilizing additive manufacturing, mechanical performance can be increased significantly, imparting greater strength, strain to break, and toughness, while maintaining stiffness of the homogeneous stiff bondlayer.

Advances in Metal Foams

Advances in Metal Foams

A special section of Advanced Engineering Materials features a selection of the papers presented during the 9th International Conference on Porous Metals and Metallic Foams (MetFoam 2015), which was held in Barcelona.