Organic field-effect transistors (OFETs) use voltage to control the flow of current in an electronic circuit. The channel connecting the source and drain is, in this case, made of an organic semiconductor. Improvements in performance of OFETs, in particular their...
Floods of Energy from Flowing Water
Researchers propose a new idea about the origin of piezoelectric energy generation in graphene.
Borophene is the New Graphene
First-principles analyses of the mechanical properties of borophene – a novel material for flexible nanoelectromechanical devices.
Gold just Went Black!
Researchers from the Australian National Fabrication Facility, Monash University, and the University of Melbourne describe the straightforward preparation of black gold, a material of promising optical properties.
Making 2D Barcodes Work Harder for Anticounterfeit Technology
Researchers from the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, believe that 2D barcodes can be made to work harder by fully exploiting the 3D information they actually contain.
Celebrate Pantone Color of the Year: Read some ‘Greenery’-Inspired Science
‘Greenery’-inspired science from Advanced Functional Materials and Advanced Science.
Blood–Brain Migration and Tracking with Photonic Theranostics
Drug carriers capable of easily crossing the BBB are being explored by a team working across locations in South Korea and the USA.
Nanodroplets for Stretchable Superconducting Circuits
A team of researchers from Australia and China, have developed a family of superconducting liquid metals of GaInSn-alloys and their nanodroplets.
Recyclable Thermochromic Supramolecular Assemblies
A new class of thermochromic supramolecular material has been designed, which is taking steps toward versatility, sustainability, and scalability.
Direct Observation of Negative Capacitance in Ferroelectric Materials
Recently, negative capacitance was first demonstrated in epitaxial ferroelectric lead zirconate titanate, proving that a direct measurement of the phenomenon is possible.