Researchers have developed a method for breaking up CNT bundles to deliver individual nanotubes using surface acoustic waves in a piezoelectric substrate.

Researchers have developed a method for breaking up CNT bundles to deliver individual nanotubes using surface acoustic waves in a piezoelectric substrate.
A team introduce a soft processing approach for the continuous synthesis of high-quality graphene nanosheets via electrochemical exfoliation of graphite.
A MIT research group led by Prof. Harry L. Tuller has attempted to control the oxygen content of oxide thin films in situ through electrochemical methods.
Prof. Zannoni and co-workers publish research on the deposition of sexithiophene on a fullerene substrate.
A new electrostatic model has been developed, which treats electrons and holes not as point charges or an average electrostatic density, but as delocalized Gaussian spheres.
Short engineered protein sequences have been used to initiate the simultaneous synthesis of two inorganic species in desired locations with nanoscale accuracy.
Researchers have developed a cancer imaging and therapy agent composed of PLGA microparticles encapsulating a perfluorocarbon liquid core.
A Chinese research group has taken a molecular engineering approach to optimize the solubility and thin-film morphology of low-bandgap polymers.
Graphene-treated nanowires could soon replace current touchscreen technology, reducing production costs and allowing for more affordable, flexible displays.
A team have developed the first stimuli-responsive protein hydrogel whose mechanical properties can be dynamically tuned in response to external stimuli.