March’s Advanced Healthcare Materials covers
Most Read – Featuring Hydration Sensors and Hydrogels
February’s top Advanced Healthcare Materials papers
Wearable Sensor to Monitor Hydration
Wearable sensors for quantitative assessment of hydration status.
3D Culture Model Mimicking Native Cornea
Researchers from Sweden describe a biomimetic 3D corneal model with keratocytes on patterned silk-fibroin.
Sweat Collection on Skin
John Rogers and co-workers report a soft, skin-mounted microfluidic system for sweat collection and analysis directly from and on the surface of the skin.
Hydrogels for Immunotherapy
A biomaterial system for immune modulation through expansion of antigen-specific regulatory T cells.
The Road to Better Presentation of Data: The Do’s and Don’ts
A checklist for our authors on the use and presentation of data and statistics.
Prickly Nanoparticles against Cancer
The fabrication of a specific nanomedicine, prickly shaped nanoparticles, enables a novel cancer treatment methodology.
Breaching the Tumor Barrier – A Novel pH-sensitive Drug Delivery System
A novel pH-sensitive anticancer drug delivery system with improved therapeutic effect.
The Great Hope: Biomaterial Methods for Spinal Cord Injury Treatment
Combinatorial strategies that use biomaterials for regeneration of the injured central nervous system.