Many biopsies may soon be avoidable with the advent of an accurate biosensor for prostate cancer that detects biomarkers in the blood.
A biodegradable scaffold repairs nerve damage in mice
A fully biodegradable nerve scaffold not only helps regenerate damaged nerves, but negates the need for retrieval procedures.
Hydrogel vaccines could spell the end of booster shots and vaccine inequity
A hydrogel delivery system boosts single-dose efficacy and provides a potential tool to fight future pandemics and vaccine inequity.
How bioinks could help astronauts survive long space missions
Scientists are exploring how to store and transport ready-to-use bioink cartridges to treat injuries on the International Space Station.
A long-lasting drug delivery system to treat HIV
This clever drug delivery platform could improve HIV patients’ adherence to treatment and help eradicate the virus.
Pathogen detection with nanotechnology
Researchers turn to nanotechnology to boost the detection of pathogens, including SARS-CoV-2.
Influenza vaccine turns the virus on its head
To create a flu vaccine that doesn’t require annual tweaking, researchers develop a nanovaccine that uses an inverted hemagglutinin protein.
Regenerating nerves with an mRNA therapy
Stimulating neuron growth using a new mRNA therapy, researchers hope to treat chronic pain caused by disease, injury, or chemotherapy.
Boosting immune memory for broader vaccines
With more research, there is a potential for vaccines to have both adaptive and trained immunity to fight different diseases.
Bleeding controlled with snake venom
Heavy bleeding could be stopped using a new formula based on proteins found in snake venom.