An automatic design approach with a new 3D-printing method is established to fabricate soft composites that can change to predetermined shapes and generate controllable robotic motions under a magnetic field.
Over-crowding particles drives their motion
Using an asymmetric sawtooth-shaped potential, researchers achieve transport of tiny molecules driven by particle crowding.
Magnets: Making medical wearables user-friendly
Using magnetic connectors, researchers create “plug-and-play” mobile health monitoring devices that can be catered to an individual’s need.
How can a lean lab provide research resiliency?
MIT lab offers a model for cost savings, productivity, and safety; principles may also facilitate efficient reopening in the future.
Robotics and wearable technologies could help fight future pandemics
Robotic systems have the potential to aid and complement healthcare in an effort to spark novel interdisciplinary initiatives between medical, engineering, and science communities.
A low-cost, intelligent soft robotic finger
Researchers from Taiwan and Japan have developed a low-cost, intelligent soft robotic finger using paper electronics.
Microrobots show their true colors
Using a micro-3D-printing technique, researchers were able to print detailed robotic parts that are smaller than the diameter of a human hair and display color-expressing features for microrobot tracking and identification.
Scientists create supervised randomness to mimic our own neural network
Controlling the probability of a series of seemingly random events is the key to mimicking the human brain to optimize neuromorphic learning.
The soft touch of intelligent, robotic systems
A new, flexible, and self-powered sensor made by magnetoelectric materials can convert mechanical stimuli to electrical signals for robots with a “soft touch”.
Creating versatile artificial muscles for life-like robots
To mimic the fluid and versatile movement of soft-bodied animals, soft robots require their own “muscles” to function.