Skin-friendly epidermal electronic devices fabricated using flexible, stretchable, and degradable protein-based substrates could offer a viable solution to real-time health and fitness monitoring.

Skin-friendly epidermal electronic devices fabricated using flexible, stretchable, and degradable protein-based substrates could offer a viable solution to real-time health and fitness monitoring.
Michal Leskes and Shira Haber assess the capabilities of NMR in analyzing solid-state interfaces.
Hybrid systems of hydrogels and metals with tough bonding may find widespread application in smart materials and device interfaces.
Machine learning enables the manufacturing of highly compressible nano-scale devices.
Meeting Michael Sailor: the passion for science, the strength of cross-disciplinary research.
Resistive switching occurs when a dielectric suddenly changes its resistance in the presence of a strong electric field. This phenomenon underpins the behavior of devices such as memristors and neuromorphic memories. In Advanced Materials, Prof. Manfred Martin of...
A man on a mission; the commercialization of graphene.
High-performance transparent glass heaters are manufactured using a silver mesh fabrication technique.
An electric field tunable quasiparticle discovered in a common 2D material has great potential for application in optoelectronic devices.
Engineered bacteria anchor inside the intestines, for treatment of gastrointestinal damage.