Researchers from Singapore, China and USA have recently reported in Advanced Materials the first example of a TENG-based self-powered iDDS, and demonstrate its functionality in ocular drug delivery.

Researchers from Singapore, China and USA have recently reported in Advanced Materials the first example of a TENG-based self-powered iDDS, and demonstrate its functionality in ocular drug delivery.
Learn about the development solid proton conductive materials by water adsorption to glassy bicontinuous cubic liquid crystals.
Learn about how to block oxidation failure in carbon nanotubes for application in thermoacoustic devices.
Metal-organic porous gels are novel materials for cleaning up oil spills.
Recent advances in the fabrication and application of nanocomposite hydrogels for load-bearing and electroactive tissue replacement.
Red blood cell (RBC)-based delivery systems are emerging as natural biocarriers in a wide range of clinical applications, including blood detoxification.
Researchers have developed a facile synthesis of metal-organic framework filters (MOFilters) that can be scaled up for industrial and domestic uses.
Researchers from the Indian Institute of Technology Madras report a water purification device that is estimated to deliver arsenic-free drinking water to a family of five for just US $2 per year.
A recent comprehensive Progress Report highlights recent innovations in metal AM towards micro- and submicro-scale resolution.
Kiri-kirigami structures are the next generation of origami-based reconfigurable mechanical metamaterials for adaptive architecture and energy-saving buildings.