Touch- and brush-spinning methods for drawing of nanofibers, core–shell nanofibers, and their aligned 2D and 3D meshes have been developed.

Touch- and brush-spinning methods for drawing of nanofibers, core–shell nanofibers, and their aligned 2D and 3D meshes have been developed.
A new study in Advanced Science presents the development of a new nanocomposite material electrocatalyst for more efficient hydrogen production.
A new study of the electrochemical capabilities of silicon clathrates has observed minimal structural and volume changes after the insertion of lithium.
Scientists grow record-breaking two-inch size organolead halide perovskite crystals.
Researchers in France bring about a big-time improvement that makes dip coating simpler, better, and greener.
Scientists in China discover an unusual material that can expand, instead of shrinking, against external pressure.
Researchers reveal synergistic lubricating effects between phosphonium-alkylphosphate ionic liquids and a classic anti-wear additive.
Researchers in Korea transform electrohydrodynamic inkjet printing into a new 3D microfabrication technique.
A new silk ink formulation provides a “bottom-up” approach to customized multifunction biomaterials.
Recent advances in the design of adaptable hydrogels for cell-encapsulation, cell-culture, and cell-transplantation applications are reviewed.