A smart nanomedicine that combines a pH-activated ratiometric probe with a therapeutic gold nanocage for combined cancer diagnostics and treatment.

A smart nanomedicine that combines a pH-activated ratiometric probe with a therapeutic gold nanocage for combined cancer diagnostics and treatment.
New measurements are challenging conventional wisdom about superconductivity and magnetism.
Interview with John Rogers as he joins the Executive Advisory Board of the new journal Advanced Electronic Materials.
A spray-sintering technique enables the fabrication of light-emitting electrochemical devices on complex substrates.
High dielectric constant polymer solar cells found to behave as efficiently as their inorganic counterparts.
Liquid templates produced by standing (Faraday) waves are used to assemble various soft, rigid, and biological materials in intricate patterns.
A research team have reported a novel and versatile strategy to assemble inorganic NPs into sub-50 nm vesicles.
Interview with Professor Joanna Aizenberg as new member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the journal Advanced Materials.
A Korean group enhance the sensitivity of pressure-sensitive rubber by introducing reverse-micelle-induced pores into conventional PSRs.
A research group has uncovered the unique structural, electronic, optical, and defect properties of halide peroveskites.