Researchers from Virginia Commonwealth University have found a way to fabricate precise, biocompatible architectures of silk proteins at the microscale.
Bionics in the making: Zhenan Bao in the first person
Interview of Professor Zhenan Bao on the occasion of her addition to the Editorial Advisory Board of the journal Advanced Materials.
Electrically tunable bulk ferromagnets
A team has proposed to go beyond the traditional definition of magnetoelectric phenomenon to use reversible electrochemistry as a tool to control magnetism.
Iron carbide nanoparticles: a new platform for tumor theranostics
New core/shell structure nanoparticles have been reported by a team led by Peking University researchers.
Programmable metamaterial has custom vibration response
Vibration-damping material can also specifically conduct certain frequencies.
Useful Uncertainty Causes Ultrafast Charge Transfer in Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells
In a Review Article in the Advanced Materials 25th anniversary series, Nobel Laureate Alan J. Heeger discusses BHJ solar cell operation and how efficiencies can top 20%.
100% stretchable graphene nanopaper
Researchers in Singapore have developed method to fabricate stretchable graphene nanopaper for use in strain detectors.
Monolayer molybdenum disulfide mechanical resonators
New monolayer material has great potential for future nanoelectromechanical devices as it combines excellent mechanical and electrical properties.
Enhanced polymer/ZnO photovoltaic performance
Steve Dunn, Queen Mary University of London, and James R. Durrant, Imperial College London, discuss their latest work on photovoltaic devices.
Interview with a Board Member: Jörg Lahann
A conversation with new Advanced Materials board member Jörg Lahann on research, publishing, and life.