Aerographite continues to dominate the Advanced Materials top 40 as it goes into its record-breaking 3rd week at number 1.
Making Graphene Industry-Ready: Fluorescence Quenching Metrology
Researchers develop a graphene metrology technique that paves the way for widespread industrial applications.
Printing Electronics: High-Speed Transistors with Electrochemical Gating
Researchers show that solid polymer electrolytes can be used as the gating insulator for printed electronics, contrary to accepted thinking.
Quick and Safe Quantum Dots
Researchers at Rutgers University have developed a method to generate an entire library of safe quantum dots quickly and efficiently.
Cleaning up oil spills with graphene sponges
Rodney Ruoff and co-workers demonstrate the potential of graphene sponges as recyclable absorbents for cleaning up oil spills.
Hierarchical Microlattice Structure Increase Specific Strength
Researchers describe a rapid method for fabricating a low density polymer microlattice with structural organization on two length scales and very interesting properties.
Nanocarriers for Therapeutic Delivery
Nanocarriers for encapsulation, delivery, release, and accumulation of drugs are reported in a Special Issue of Advanced Materials.
Micro-Supercapacitors with Graphene/Nanotube Electrodes
Researchers at Florida International University develope micro-supercapacitors with exceptional high performance and frequency response.
Researchers Create Highly Conductive and Elastic Conductors Using Silver Nanowires
Researchers develop elastic conductors made from silver nanowires that can be used to develop stretchable electronic devices.
Aerographite takes the lightest material crown, for now: density of a few hundred micrograms per cubic centimeter
A German materials science lab have reported the fabrication of a new material that breaks the record for lightest solid.