How does Arapaimas gigas survive coexistence with the predatory piranha fish? The answer has implications for materials technology.
Making Titanium Cheaper: Hydrogen Sintering
Researchers from the University of Utah show a promising approach for producing powder metallurgy Ti materials with superior mechanical properties at minimum cost.
Advanced Materials Top 40 for June 27, 2012
Eight new papers in the Top 10 this week, including super-stretchable carbon ropes and a new molecule for high-efficiency solar cells.
Researchers Find Gold Nanoparticles Capable of ‘Unzipping’ DNA
Gold nanoparticles with a slight positive charge work collectively to unravel DNA’s double helix.
Printing of 3D Silicon Micro- and Nanostructures
Swedish researchers hope to make silicon nanoelectronics more accessible with new 3D printing technique.
Copying Butterflies to Create 3D Magnetophotonic Crystals
Researchers have developed a method to fabricate 3D network magneto photonic crystal with controllable properties from a butterfly wing
Advanced Materials Top 40 for June 19, 2012
Work on pi-extended copolymers from the Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences takes top spot in the Advanced Materials Top 40.
Synthesizing Binary Metal Oxide Nanotubes
Canadian researchers develop a synthesis method for created hollow, structured binary metal oxides.
Advanced Materials Top 40 for June 13, 2012
Gui Bazan’s paper on a new small molecule for high-efficiency solar cells takes the top spot on this week’s Advanced Materials Top 40.
LiNbO3-silica glass ceramics: a promising alternative for frequency conversion?
Glass ceramics are of great interest for the development of optical elements with meter-scale dimensions for high power laser facilities.