The radiative emission rate of poly(3-hexylthiophene) could be greatly enhanced by integrating it into a plasmonic split-dipole nanoantenna.

The radiative emission rate of poly(3-hexylthiophene) could be greatly enhanced by integrating it into a plasmonic split-dipole nanoantenna.
High-performance polymers for organic photovoltaics takes the top spot as the most-downloaded Advanced Materials paper in the last week.
Reversible fragmentation and self-assembling of nematic liquid crystal droplets on functionalized pyroelectric substrates
Luo and Lloyd, using molecular dynamics simulations, have investigated methods to increase the thermal conductivity of polymeric nanocomposites.
A new chiral material demonstrates a highly efficient optical response.
A new nanodevice has been developed, intended to reproduce the behaviour of a human synapse.
New research studies the surface modification of graphene for use in lithium-ion batteries.
New research suggests a method for universal surface modification.
This week’s Advanced Materials Top 40 most-read articles features graphene, healthcare, and functional fibers inspired by spider silk.
New work shows that the flexural deflection of ceramics can be increased by a factor of ten using segmented, interlocked structures.