Bioinspired surface patterning and a landmark review on graphene are among the most-downloaded Advanced Materials papers in December 2011.
Thinking Big about Small-Scale Research: Nanotechnology in Japan
The International Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics (WPI-MANA) features in a new special issue from Advanced Materials.
Hemostatic Materials: Anti-hemorrhagic Dressings for Wounds
A hemostatic material for field dressings in emergency wound treatment is made by layer-by-layer deposition of thrombin and tannic acid.
Shrilk: A Chimera of Chitosan and Fibroin for Biodegradable Plastics
A laminar composite of two common biomaterials – shrimp shells and silk – could be useful for packaging and biomedical applications.
Seeking Candidates for Porous Burners
The benefits of porous burner technology are amazing, but many materials science problems remain to be solved.
The Making of “Transparent Glass Sponges”
The properties of transparent glass sponges make them an ideal light source for photobioreactors for producing biofuels from algae.
At the Edge of Chaos: A New Type of Computing
A computing network that exhibits emergent behavior similar to that in biological brains is hypothesized by Adam Z. Stieg of the California NanoSystems Institute
What’s the charge for 3-D electronic conduction?
Xavier Crispin and his research team have shown that the type of electronic conduction observed in electrochemical transistors is highly dependent upon the capacitance of the device gate electrode.
To protect and be served: the structural strength of fish scales
Fish aren’t just for eating; their scales could also act as an excellent protective material, say a group of researchers.
Waterproof your Walkman – Superhydrophobic ZnO Device Components
The development of nanostructured ZnO components for devices could lead to inherently waterproof electronic devices.