Fish aren’t just for eating; their scales could also act as an excellent protective material, say a group of researchers.

Fish aren’t just for eating; their scales could also act as an excellent protective material, say a group of researchers.
The development of nanostructured ZnO components for devices could lead to inherently waterproof electronic devices.
Nanosized features can easily be printed accurately onto an already patterned surface, using a new technique called nanoimprinting by melt processing.
A materials scientist, a graphic designer, and a cognitive psychologist have produced a brief guide on how to prepare scientific figures.
A nanoparticle-based nerve agent detector is developed by researchers in Korea
Two research teams synthesize highly ordered carbonaceous structures, such as graphene, using unusual but everyday raw materials, and even waste.
The development of materials with magnetically adjustable properties has been presented by a German research team from the Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht (HZG) Centre for Biomaterial Development in Teltow.
Researchers demonstrate electrochemical actuation using graphene-based paper.
Microbarcodes embedded with rare earth nanocrystals show promise for disease detection and biomedicine.
A new method of making ferroelectrics that uses a heated probe tip means they can be produced directly on virtually any substrate and in any shape.