The addition of extremely small crystals to solid electrolyte material has potential to raise the efficiency of fuel cells. Researchers at TU Delft were the first to document this accurately.

The addition of extremely small crystals to solid electrolyte material has potential to raise the efficiency of fuel cells. Researchers at TU Delft were the first to document this accurately.
ZnSe is deposited in silica pores to produce the first compound semiconductor optical fiber waveguides.
A novel polymer processing methodology to prepare thin films allows for increased crystallinity giving rise to improved properties.
What is the ideal nano-morphology for organic and hybrid solar cells? A progress report from a German research group sheds light on recent developments.
Conductive metallic 3D nanostructures can be made inside a single crystal of a photocatalytically active metal-organic framework, say Belgian scientists.
Researchers integrate energy absorbing metal hollow spheres into a wire-woven bulk Kagome structure. These hybrids show an outstanding energy absorption capability.
Established in 1962, the Polymers Division in the Material Measurement Laboratory of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) will soon celebrate its 50th year as a world leader in polymers research.
Assembly of metallic nanoparticles into chains or plasmonic networks is affected by temperature and kinetics.
Systematic insights into well-defined platinum-alloy nanoparticles promise cheaper and more-efficient fuel cells.
Science-fiction becomes science fact: How bionanoelectronics will revolutionize the world through medical and computational advances.