Scientists create designs for quantum batteries, which harness the potential of quantum mechanics to enhance energy storage.

Scientists create designs for quantum batteries, which harness the potential of quantum mechanics to enhance energy storage.
A state-of-the-art printer with nanometer-scale precision enables the production of quantum emitters, advancing secure quantum communication.
Understanding this unique form of superconductivity is crucial and could lead to exciting applications, like functional quantum computers.
Future 6G wireless networks will rely on quantum computers, but developing the technology and making it sustainable is complex.
Machine learning unveils the ideal structure of a quantum memristor, which could one day surpass current computing systems.
In theory, quantum communications should be impossible to hack, but study shows this may not be true in practice.
In addition to ensuring the secure transfer of quantum communications, researchers have come up with a way to safely store and process data.
Upcoming space experiment sets sights on encrypted quantum communication, which could also provide valuable insights into quantum gravity.
The link between entanglement, energy, and the phase transition from superconductor to insulator isn’t just a theoretical curiosity.
Harnessing quantum dots to produce low-energy single photons for applications in secure communications and quantum computing.