Scientists investigate the synergy of entanglement and curved spacetime in advancing quantum radar technology for precise distance measurement.

Scientists investigate the synergy of entanglement and curved spacetime in advancing quantum radar technology for precise distance measurement.
Quantum key distribution is the only way to ensure an absolutely secured connection protected by the laws of quantum physics.
Exploiting defects in 2D hexagonal boron nitride to create reliable single photons, researchers have upped their quantum encryption game.
Quantum computing to process large amounts of data tested by bringing together complementary and versatile quantum processors.
A set of quantum computers was put to the test by playing the notorious triangle game.
Researchers enhance the capabilities of Penning ion traps, which will allow them to “sharpen the picture” of new phenomena in physics.
Photonics offer a natural link between communication and computation, providing a potential bridge to build a quantum internet.
Researchers are developing algorithms and machine learning methods to further our understanding of the quantum state space.
Strong light-matter coupling is a new tool to mold chemical reactivity and material properties that intertwine material science and quantum mechanics.
An updated overlook at one of the most promising building blocks for quantum technologies: fast and efficient single photon detectors.