Quantum computing to process large amounts of data tested by bringing together complementary and versatile quantum processors.
Quantum advantage tested in quantum games
A set of quantum computers was put to the test by playing the notorious triangle game.
Precision makes perfect
Researchers enhance the capabilities of Penning ion traps, which will allow them to “sharpen the picture” of new phenomena in physics.
Researchers in Sweden develop light emitters for quantum circuits
Photonics offer a natural link between communication and computation, providing a potential bridge to build a quantum internet.
New theory hints at more efficient way to develop quantum algorithms
Researchers are developing algorithms and machine learning methods to further our understanding of the quantum state space.
Strong Light–Matter Coupling in Molecular and Material Engineering
Strong light-matter coupling is a new tool to mold chemical reactivity and material properties that intertwine material science and quantum mechanics.
Superconducting Nanowires for Single Photon Detection
An updated overlook at one of the most promising building blocks for quantum technologies: fast and efficient single photon detectors.
Environmental Noise and Coherence Time in Quantum Dot Qubits
Predicting the experimental conditions that enhance coherence times for semiconducting quantum dot hybrid qubits.
The Toroidization of Quantum Matter
A novel scheme for an ultrafast generation of a toroidal moment and a field-free vector potential is uncovered.
A Quantum Autoencoder via Quantum Adders
A quantum autoencoder via approximate quantum adders in the Rigetti cloud quantum computer is carried out employing up to three qubits.