Customizing treatments to meet individual patients’ needs is the future of healthcare.

Customizing treatments to meet individual patients’ needs is the future of healthcare.
Amoeboid cell microtransporters carry microcargo in an independent, self-organized fashion.
Research suggests that epigenetic remodeling can be persistent and might be a memory keeper.
Acrolein produced by cancer cells can be detected within five minutes, allowing for rapid diagnosis of cancer morphology during breast-conserving surgery.
Multifunctional polylactide stomatocytes are engineered to mimic red blood cells.
Leather finds new life as an electronic skin.
Waterproof, wearable fabrics that can harvest energy from wind, rain, and body motion.
Paul Shearing of UCL explains thermal runaway observed in lithium-based battery systems, and comments on its mitigation and the future of battery safety.
Ali Khademhosseini and his co-workers take a detailed look how engineering approaches can contribute to the field of precision medicine.
The required features of nanofactories, and current strategies for their design and fabrication.