Researchers discover that a Parkinson’s drug, procyclidine, can reduce physical nicotine withdrawal symptoms, such as tremors and immobility.

Researchers discover that a Parkinson’s drug, procyclidine, can reduce physical nicotine withdrawal symptoms, such as tremors and immobility.
Pathogenic bioaerosols detected at household garbage collection sites may contribute to vascular aging with high chronic exposure.
The protein helps convert white fat tissue into calorie-burning beige fat, providing a potential target for weight loss and obesity treatments.
Robots modelled after dung beetles leverage nature’s ingenuity with efficient, space-saving object-rolling mechanics.
In the future, small electronics could be powered by fallen leaves, shed fur, and other waste materials found in nature. Researchers are exploring a new approach to cancer treatment by transforming tumor cells into a more rigid, fibrotic state, which may help to slow cancer’s growth. Traditionally, fibrosis — a process that thickens tissue —...
Microneedles allow scientists to precisely control the delivery of drugs to chronic wound sites and restore natural healing processes.
The customizable implant releases an anticancer drug in the presence of new tumors that might go undetected by MRI.
Radish sprouts power a new wave of eco-friendly robots that move, grow, and could even be eaten after their work is done.
A new biomaterial shows unprecedented success at eliminating bacteria that cause bone infections and promote the regrowth of injured bones.