An innovative blood test designed to identify chronic fatigue syndrome, and potentially applicable to long COVID and Lyme disease, boasts 91% accuracy.

An innovative blood test designed to identify chronic fatigue syndrome, and potentially applicable to long COVID and Lyme disease, boasts 91% accuracy.
A modification to conventional microscopes pushes the limits of their resolution and enables high-precision observation of difficult-to-observe pathogens.
A new approach to cancer treatment combines gene editing with a known chemotherapy drug, harnessing the benefits of both for better outcomes.
The hand-held device was designed for use by the general public, providing diagnoses in only 15 minutes without the need for appointments and long wait times for results.
A self-assembling helix formed from nateglinide, a complementary diabetes treatment, provides a protective coating that could open the door to an oral insulin medication.
Scientists are hopeful that a new, more sensitive test for detecting ovarian cancer might provide better options, especially for patients with BRCA genes.
A specific epigenetic signature in patients who respond to chemotherapy offers potential to improve treatment.
Bacteria residing inside tumors provide a surprisingly powerful immunotherapy platform to combat different cancers.
High levels of nitric oxide, a signaling chemical in the brain, appear to contribute to the behavioral deficits observed in autism.
An ultra-thin and flexible probe could improve scientists’ ability to measure neurological activity in the brain.