Scientists have shown that the Landau Lifshitz gravitational energy momentum pseudo-tensor can be generalized to metric theories of gravity, where the terms of any order in the derivatives of the metric are present.
Classical and Quantum Systems: Transport Due to Rare Events
Possible mechanisms for energy transfer based on ‘rare’ or ‘non-perturbative’ effects, in physical systems that present a many-body localized phenomenology are reviewed.
Models for a Multimode Bosonic Tunneling Junction
Decoherence plays an important role in quantum mechanics. In general, uncontrolled interaction of a quantum system with its environment will cause it to lose its quantum properties. Controlled decoherence or dissipation, on the other hand, can be used to engineer...
LIGO’s First Gravitational-Wave Detection
Understanding the physics of LIGO’s first gravitational-wave detection GW150914.
Super-Honeycomb Lattice – a Hybrid Fermionic and Bosonic System
A recent study provides a new platform for investigating light trapping, higher pseudospin states, vortex generation, and other interesting phenomena.
One Step Closer to Room-Temperature Superconductivity
Superconductivity has been discovered in highly compressed hydrogen sulphide at an amazing 203 degrees kelvin.
Back to the Future – with Max Planck and Quantum Physics
A historic article by Max Planck, first published (in print) in 1901 has reached the top 5% of scores in Altmetrics.
Entrance ticket for the Quantum World
The field of quantum simulations leads to the exciting adventure of describing and understanding the quantum world better than ever.
Spin clocks: Probing fundamental symmetries in nature
German researchers have proposed a spin clock that is based on the free spin-precession of gaseous, nuclear spin-polarized 3He and 129Xe.
Physics on its way to new horizons
Precision measurements at low energies play a central role in the paradigm shifts of modern physics.