The Journal of Polymer Science dedicates a special issue to the late Professor Edward J. Kramer that is free to read for a limited time.

The Journal of Polymer Science dedicates a special issue to the late Professor Edward J. Kramer that is free to read for a limited time.
Journal of Polymer Science is accepting nominations for its international award for significant innovation and achievement in a polymer scientist under 40.
Amir H. Torbati and Patrick T. Mather present a new synthesis for orientationally ordered liquid crystalline hydrogels with shape memory characteristics.
Three young polymer scientists are awarded the Journal of Polymer Science Poster Prize for DPOLY at the 2015 APS March meeting.
Italian and Germany researchers reveal secrets in interlayers and architectures of polymer solar cells.
A Korean research team led by Prof. Soonmin Seo report a new method for preparing highly flexible, stretchable, and patchable organic electronic devices.
The impact factor for the Journal of Polymer Science: Polymer Physics increased 71% to 3.803, according to a Thomson Reuters update.
At the 2014 ACS Fall meeting in San Francisco, Brent Sumerlin receives the Journal of Polymer Science Innovation Award and a symposium in his honor
Free access to the latest special issue of the Journal of Polymer Science: Polymer Physics, on polymer optics.
Technique finds new use in patterning polymers to control cells and proteins.