Block copolymers based on azobenzene-containing homo-polyesters have been investigated for use in future data storage technology.

Block copolymers based on azobenzene-containing homo-polyesters have been investigated for use in future data storage technology.
Researchers from the Princeton University show that the glass transition temperature of norbornene polymers can be raised drastically by adding a phenyl side group.
Researchers in Karlsruhe used plant oils to synthesize renewable long-chain aliphatic polyesters using olefin self-metathesis for the monomer synthesis.
Thermally conductive thermoplastics have attracted attention as heat dissipative materials for a vast number of electronic devices. S. Yoshihara and coworkers (Kaneka Corporation, Japan) now report that thermoplastics exhibit high thermal conductivity by lamellar crystal alignment.
Canadian researchers now synthesized polymers that contain two different organometallic cores by post modification of organoiron poly(alkynyl methacrylates) with dicobalt hexacarbonyl.
Unlike Cu-mediated systems, high pressure reduces the equilibrium constant for iron-mediated atom-transfer radical polymerizations.
Radical thiol-ene addition was used for the synthesis of new polymeric ionic liquids which could serve as novel polyelectrolytes.
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It has been shown that knowledge of propagation kinetics is a key factor for the rational design of new products by aqueous-phase copolymerization.
Multifunctional polyurethanes are prepared by the thiolene reaction to L-arabinitol-based PUs with multiple pendant O-allyl groups.