Nanotube fields, ferroic crystals, and nanoscale templates – these and more in August’s physics highlights.

Nanotube fields, ferroic crystals, and nanoscale templates – these and more in August’s physics highlights.
The most downloaded papers from the physica status solidi family in June.
Spin Hall effects, scintillators, and nanotubes – these and more in July’s physics highlights.
Researchers review current knowledge of copper-oxide semiconductors and develop first Cu4O3-based solar cell.
The most downloaded papers from the pss family of journal in May – diamond defects, the characterization of graphene, and more!
Heterojunctions, nanowires, and radiation sensors – these and more in June’s physics highlights.
Latest physica status solidi article highlights (May 2012)
Magnetic recording, solid state lighting, graphene – the most downloaded pss articles from April.
A group from FZ Juelich have investigated methods for controlling magnetic particle clouds on microwire crossbar chips.
Researchers at Oregon State University have discovered a way to make a new metamaterial that might accomplish negative refraction of light.